Saturday, 27 February 2010

Friday, 26 February 2010

Here he is: Fr William Tirry. It's from a leaflet Lee made a few years back for Fethard Augustinian Church's jubilee celebrations.
I'll tell you more about him soon, please God.

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Small blessings

Did I ever mention how I like hanging washing out? As long as I know the lads are ok, it can actually be almost relaxing. Poonch was asleep in the buggy and Roo was 'helping' me so I was free to get some fresh air into the clothes. Really though the main reason I enjoy putting out the washing is that it means the weather is dry for a change. Hooray for dry days, even perishing ones like today!

Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Acquaintances, old and new

I've just noticed that there is someone new following my blog. Welcome in Breadgirl! Breadgirl's blog is about a Welsh saint, David Lewis, who was martyred in the 17th Century. He reminds me a lot of Blessed William Tirry, an Augustinian priest who was martyred during the Penal times here in Ireland. Just being a priest was an offence punishable by death. Fr Tirry was arrested wearing his vestments, about to say Mass in Fethard, Co Tipperary (that's a picture of the lovely town- we used to live there). He is probably buried under the Augustinian Church in Fethard. The locals brought back his body after he was martyred in nearby Clonmel.
I must tell you more about him when it isn't quite so late. Like David Lewis he deserves to be better known.

Little steps

Quiet night, me and my sewing machine alone at last. And here's my first big bit of sewing: an inch hem on both sides of the roman blind I'm attempting for the Wowee house. More about that anon.

Friday, 19 February 2010

Just thought I'd post this link to Prayers to St Thérèse, in case, like me today, anyone needs one of her earth-bound roses from heaven. (Though she reminds us there is no need for formal prayers- we should just talk to God as if he was sitting next to us.)

Saturday, 13 February 2010

Here's an aerial view of the lads in their new buggy. Usually Poonch would be in the sling, but with my bump getting bigger, it's not the comfiest option anymore. So here they are on our walk today round the Manor on a cold afternoon.

Mouse hotel.

Friday, 5 February 2010

New phone, new skill

Hooray! I finally got a new phone. So now I can send photos to my blog as I take them.
Here is the new herringbone hand-stitch I learned last night at the Curtain n cushion course. It's v handy for hemming trousers and skirts as well as curtains, which is why we learned it. Strong but virtually invisible on the right side. On the food front, last night we had Annabel Karmel's beef in oyster sauce. The reason I'm writing this is because Roo ate it- well some beef anyway. Of course, he did need to be persuaded. But once he tried it, he realised the meat was lovely and tender. And he had some noodles too. The introduction of chopsticks went down well. Hooray again!

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

12 weeks yesterday

We went to Mass this morning for St Blaise's feast. Roo was a bit dubious about having his throat blessed, but he eventually joined Poonch and me at the altar, when I told him it would help stop him getting sick.
Afterwards we went to the market at the Crescent Shopping centre. Caroline from the happy pig farm was there, so we bought some rashers. She is holding a Beekeeping course at her house on the 27th (re-scheduled from January 9th) which I would love to go to, if Lee can manage to be off duty.

An update on the Babycake: I had a scan last week with my new consultant (very hopeful about him). He estimates my due date to be in August. The 15th, Feast of the Assumption. So that means I was 12 weeks yesterday. It's great to have some idea of when Babs is due!