Saturday 19 February 2011

Gratuitous picture of pegs and washing

Yes, those are pegs on the line- the first of 2011- with the little Toot's bibs flapping cheerfully in the breeze.

They make me smile. Because they give us hope that Spring might actually be on the way. Because it means one less airer full of limp clothes and loosens my guilty attachment to the tumble dryer that I never foresaw pre-sprogs. (When we moved in, I looked at it and thought, 'well the landlord might as well take that thing away'. Ha!) And because it means the little Toot is having a snooze and I'm out in the fresh air with Poonch who could do with a lungful of something fresh as his tum is upset today.


Idle Rambler said...

Ah, there's something about a line full of washing blowing in the breeze, isn't there?

Even better when it's full of baby clothes! I can still remember that feeling - only just :-)

Another of life's simple pleasures.

Spring is definitely in the air. We have daffodils just hours away from blooming.

Jenny said...

Beautiful picture. You should have this framed. (Sorry about the bossy older sister coming out in me) This would make a nice framed picture (Better).

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