Friday, 31 October 2008

All Hallow's Eve

I heard this song on the radio this morning, so for the day that's in it, I thought I'd put a link to Haunted. It was out when we were in college, 1995.

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Birthday cake:-)

This is the passion fruit Victoria sponge I made for the love of my life! And you can also see the Babycake!

this is an upside-down view of Lee's birthday Shepherd's pie.

Saturday, 18 October 2008

Tinsel ...or Billy?

Here's one of the donkeys we met at the Donkey Sanctuary in Liscarroll a couple of weeks ago. It was a lovely sunny day and we enjoyed walking along the paths in a very well organised place. There were signs up telling people not to feed the donkeys, but they should have warned us about the cheeky dog who jumped onto our picnic bench when our backs were turned and scoffed our lunch!
We may or may not have met Billy the donkey from Ballinahinch too. Who knows? He wasn't giving anything away.

Thursday, 16 October 2008

Today is World Food Day according to an email I got from Trocaire. The picture shows one week's food, which costs this family in Kenya 2 and a half times their income, so they have to borrow to pay for it. Maybe Brian Lenihan's Budget doesn't look so bad now...

Babycake update: I went to the hospital for my 26 week check this morning- blood pressure etc ok, thank God and there maybe some good news on the Homebirth front. Babba Roo and I were looked after by Breda again.

And yesterday I put the last button on the long saga that was Wee's cardie. Here it is being modelled by the little man himself.
Yesterday, Gran came to the pool with us. I think she enjoyed it although she had been a bit apprehensive. We met another pregnant mum there with her 14 month old little boy, who had that worried look on his face that Roo used to have. The water was a bit colder than usual, but Roo is so comfortable there now that it didn't seem to bother him at all.

Thursday, 9 October 2008

Nearly finished Roo's cardie

It's a pity I didn't look at this tutorial about sewing on a button before I started putting them onto Roo's cardie. I've been making it up as I go along. I wonder how long they'll last? Hee hee! The site is called Purl Bee and it could either inspire you or make you feel completely inadequate depending on which mood you were in at the time.

Wednesday, 8 October 2008

Swimming update

Roo asked to put the swimming cap on today! ..which I think is another indication of how comfortable he is at the pool now. We did quite a few wheeeees around the pool: that's where I support him and we walk around the deep end of the pool. He even did some little leg strokes while holding onto the wall in the children's pool. Next week we're hoping to bring Granny along too!

Friday, 3 October 2008

In which Babba Roo gets his hair wet...

We're back from the pool again. Wee really likes it now. He was getting all excited in the changing room.

Today's progress report contains the thrilling news that Roo got his hair wet!! Just the ends but it's a start. He still doesn't like the shower, but will just about tolerate it when it's at an almost imperceptible trickle. We did some kicky leggys while sitting on the steps and a bit more supported floating. He was really tired afterwards and is now having a snooze to get his energy back for the afternoon.

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

Thrifty or scabby?

I know a little boy who's 6 today and here's the card I sent him. I made it myself. Partly because I thought all the cards in the shops were a bit babyish for him and partly because I'm not very flush at the moment. There is a recession on you know, as Dad would say. Anyway, I hope the recipient's parents don't think I'm too scabby. I don't think the little boy himself will really be that bothered. And he can re-use the stickers if he wants! (Personally, I LOVE homemade cards and am always happy to receive one.) Not that that's a hint or anything...

Looking ahead and keeping abreast ....!

Just discovered this new site: it's an Irish breastfeeding site trying to change this country's irritating attitude to BF. I'm proud to say I breastfed Babba-Roo until he was 15 months old and I'm looking forward to doing at least the same with Babycake number 2, please God.
It's a new site, so it's still under construction. I will have to check back to read how to prepare toddlers for feeding your new baby.

Happy Feast day!

Today is St Therese's feast day. It's raining again today here, but I bet it's lovely where she is.

On the subject of the Babycake, I found this little piece on It's quite cute. BC is very bouncy and active inside my tummy at this stage. He/she can hear very well now, so I've been playing Ella Fitzgerald, although heavy drum beats seem to go down better with BC.